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Writing your CV


Writing your CV

Your CV introduces you to our constabulary recruitment staff. Before you start writing your CV, you should become familiar with the New Cops website to get an understanding of the role of a Police Officer and customise your CV to make it as strong as possible. 

CVs should be an account of your education, qualifications and previous occupations. It is preferable your CV is arranged in reverse date order so the most recent roles/positions are described first. 

You may have particular skills you feel would help you in a future career with Police, so be sure to include a brief summary of these in your CV.

In addition to any paid employment or education, our constabulary recruitment staff will take into consideration any contributions to community (for example working in a community group, playing or coaching sports, mentoring young people, involvement in the arts, volunteering, fundraising, etc.) so be sure to include an overview of this type of activity. 

Before writing your CV you may benefit from reading about NZ Police’s values.